Population of Facebook is growing and is multiplying fast. And hackers, spammers, intruders now treats the platform as a heaven for dirty web activities. More often than not users complain heavily about their accounts getting hacked, stolen or compromised resulting into serious personal issues. That's because Facebook users tend to share lot of personal information, do whole lot of social activities feeling it as a safe and secured environment. What the users do not care about is the need to safeguard their account properly from time to time.
In an earlier post we discussed about generating strong passwords which are easy to remember. Remember that's the first step of building a safe and secured account. Next step is to change the password from time to time.
Here are two vital Facebook safety tips to see who is intruding into your Facebook account.
Just like Gmail, Facebook also gives the power to the users to locate any unusual activities. I will write it step wise so that it looks uncomplicated even to a dummy user.
- Log in to your Facebook account.
- On the top right hand side of the page locate Account > Account Settings or simply click on this link: https://register.facebook.com/editaccount.php?ref=mb&drop
- In the bottom of the page locate Account Security
- Click on the change link
Important!! (refer to screenshot below)
- In the Login Notifications section, make sure Get notified by SMS or email… option is set On
- Underneath, you will also find the devices that you have associated with your account. If you haven't associated any devices yet, make sure you do that.
- Lastly, in the Most Recent Activity section see the IP address, browser, OS of the user(s) who has last accessed your Facebook account. If something doesn't sound familiar with you, take a deep breath and check out this Facebook page in the Help Center.

You will receive a return mail asking for
confirmation. Just click on reply and send.
In digest option all images and attachments are deleted. Individual mail
option is recommended. Choose "traditional" format to receive pictures
and wallpapers without getting distorted by ads.______________________________________________________________________
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