[WowMailz] 50 Quotes
2011 World Cup will have new exciting features like UDRS and ‘Super over’ in its folds. This is the latest in a series of changes to formats over the years. Did you know the first 3 World Cup events were played with 60-over innings? Did you know that World Cup was played with red balls till 1987? Did you know 30-yard circle was first introduced in the 1983 World Cup? There are so many changes that have taken place over the years as cricket’s premier event kept marching ahead. Find out in the next few pages everything about each World Cup in snippets
As usual urban-singer did not use ropes for insurance. the bottom of the curious crowd and cheered him with shouts.. As usual, among them was Madame and Robert (wife of Alan and mother of his children). As usual, the police took the easy in every sense of the position, waiting for Robert's on the roof, then take the offender to the city of peace in the region. Time that Alan spends in the police after each of its ascent, it is usually not enough to reassess his values in life.
At this time the French Spider get into a fuss than they should in front of a glass wall. . The route lay along a mirror, and the weather was bad ...: "Too high, longish. It is very difficult to place his feet, which adds inconvenience. Я имею в виду, я должен лезть достаточно быстро. I mean, I have to climb quite quickly. I have to keep this rhythm. . In addition, today, windy and cold. "
Его соло на естественных (легальных) скалах почти неизвестны, хотя, говорят, что Алан лезет без страховки 8a/8b. His solo on the natural (legal) rocks are almost unknown, though, say that Alan climbs without insurance 8a/8b. Несколько лет назад он дважды падал во время тренировок. Several years ago, he fell twice during the workout. После осмотра (дееспособен на 40 процентов) врачи сообщили, что, наверное, стоит задуматься о шахматах. After inspecting the (legal competence by 40 per cent), doctors said, it's probably worth thinking about chess. Тогда Алан подумал о городских постройках. Then Alan thought about the town buildings. Так родилась легенда о французском спайдер-мэне. Thus was born the legend of the French Spider-Maine.
К слову, Алан страдает от вертиго (головокружений), но “…иногда вера может сдвинуть горы”, - объясняет он. By the way, Alan is suffering from vertigo (dizziness), but "... sometimes faith can move mountains," - he explains.
Он верит, что он не сумасшедший и не ищет славы: “Я думаю, сумасшествие - это прожить жизнь, так и не дав своим мечтам осуществиться”. He believes that he is not crazy and not looking for fame: "I think it's crazy - it is to live life and not letting your dreams come true."
Алан Роббер пролез более 60 урбан-билдингов, от Эйфелевой Башни до Petronas Twin Towers в Малайзии, Empire State Building, Сиднейскую Оперу и Голден Гэйд Бридж. Alan Robber climbed more than 60 Urban Building, the Eiffel Tower to the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House and the Golden Gade Bridge. Поскольку урбан-клайминг запрещен практически всюду, все его восхождения - нелегальны. Since the urban-klayming banned virtually everywhere, all the climbing - are illegal. Тем не менее, он удостоен многих наград и принимает участие в различных социальных программах под эгидой таких серьёзных легальных организаций, как UNESCO и UN, Алан стал одним из самых знаменитых клаймеров мира. Nevertheless, he received many awards and is involved in various social programs under the auspices of such serious legal organizations such as UNESCO and the UN, Alan became one of the most famous climbers in the world.
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