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Beauty is a mere smile.
Love is a smile that warms the heart.
Beauty is but skin deep, from outside-in.
Love is beauty from inside-out.
Beauty changes, fades, decreases over time.
Love endures, never fails, is of a timeless dimension.
Beauty is in eyes that twinkle in the moonlight.
Love is in eyes that speak kindness, patience, concern, day and night.
Beauty is a figure, a shape, physical looks that appeal to the senses.
Love starts as a feeling, and becomes a sensitizer to the soul.
Beauty hates to hear the truth -
"You're getting old".
Love embraces the truth -
"I Love You more the older you get".
Beauty is vain-glory, a self-seeking competitor.
Love is humility, a self-giving peacemaker.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Love is in the heart of the giver.
So, what Foundation is built of Love?
I'll give you a hint.It's the same foundation that has preserved marriages, friendships, families for a lifetime.God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as Love is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, God is Love, and such relationships are built on a foundation of God's Love.So now, bearing all this in mind...............Is your Foundation built on Love, or is it Beauty?
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