Hope is like a star so bright; it's there on sunny days, yet shines brightest through the darkest night.
Hope will always be our greatest treasure with a value that's beyond measure.
For hope is the key to finding our dreams, the wind beneath our wings no matter how long the flight ahead seems.
It's the spark in our heart that's ever ablaze, and the bit of magic that helps us get through the days.
I'm sending this star of hope to you. It will ever sparkle bright,
to keep the hope alive in your heart day and night.
Should you ever get discouraged the star of hope will give you courage
In every life there comes a time for giving thanks and to say goodbye. Even though you may be miles apart, your memories will keep you close at heart. So don't be disheartened at the thought of distance that can't remove the memories; your heart's closest treasures. May you be blessed in all that you do, and may you experience lots of happiness too! Goodbye for the moment 'till we meet again. May our friendship be a treasure that will never end.
If You Stopped Loving Me....
This heart of mine would surely die And my body would wither by and by But my love for you will go on and on. Yes, it will still be there after I`m gone.
You will feel me on the soft gentle breeze As you wander through the tall forest trees. I will be on the beach as the tide comes in That will remind you how easy my heart was to win.
You will go about your work and play And remember how you loved me one day. Love is so strong, the heart is weak. The tears will flow, the eyes will leak.
No, I never wanted to go away. But without your love no reason to stay. Even if you took your love from me I would forever in your heart be.
The angels will come and sing you a song They will tell you how I'm getting along. They will whisper about my love for you And let you know my heart is being true.
So, if that time should ever come to be And you say, "I'll love you again," you will see The mountains, beaches and meadows will know. As you shout, "I'm sorry I ever let you go."
Seeing you, I become happy. Talking with you, I fall in love. Being with you, I want to live. Thinking about you, I forget everything. Loving you, I got a new life. Getting you, I want to get the whole......
"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love." ~Gandhi~
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." ~Jimi Hendrix~
"Let us forgive each other - only then will we live in peace". ~Leo Tolstoy~
"There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men."
"I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it." ~Dwight Eisenhower~
? Love for Ever and Ever ?
[WowMailz] If You Stopped Loving Me....
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