I'm thinking about you, a little more each day. Holding on a little tighter, to all the words you say.
Every day I miss you, more than the day before. Our time together I love; and I'm wanting even more.
I used to dream of you, as I lay in bed each night. Now you are my dreams, even through the daylight.
I felt a flutter in my heart, whenever I saw you online. Today my heart is glowing; filled with a brilliant shine.
I was shy to tell everything, which I was feeling inside. Now I feel so free to share, with nothing I want to hide.
I thought you were special, from the moment we met. And each day a little further, into my heart you would get.
I could always feel a bond, everytime our hearts shared. When our souls bonded also, I realized how much I cared.
I find my heart needing yours; cherishing all that you do. Now, I'm not scared to admit, I am falling in love with you.
[WowMailz] Falling In Love
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